Kuncu-kuncu Cik 18

Sunday, February 20, 2011


somehow, I realized something...

have you ever loved someone that has hurt you every way possible, and even if you are not with them anymore, you still cry about how bad they hurt you and you dont understand why you still cant forget that person when you really want to not miss that person??

how stupid I am, huh!

"kitorang sume ade awek...dorang pon ade pakwe...dalam geng kita, ko sorang je yang tak couple..loser giler kau!!"  (i know they didnt mean like that..)

am I? juz because i have no boyfriend, am I such a loser?? tell me is it too great having someone beside you?? wherever you go, you can have him to accompany you...is it great??  if you sulk, there are those who would persuade you..is it great??? or is it great if he can give you whatever you want??? 

when there is pain, there are no words...all pain is the same...itu yang aku rasa sekarang...

my belief

"aku tau, ko mesti ade minat orang...kalo ko nak kawen dengan dia, setiap kali bangun tidur ko sebutlah nama dia..." 
"takkanlah takde lelaki yang minat ko...dorang je takut nak cakap kat ko.."

thanks la sangat-sangat sebab ramai yang prihatin kat aku...im only 23...still awal agi..ye tak??

### jangan nak nafikan korang tak de buat dosa sikit pon mase couple...itu yang aku nak elakkan...


mr delirium said...

cheer up beb!!

weh addla aku kat fb

cik 18 said...

already happy...

mendenyer ko punye fb

Cik Kentang said...

saya percaya cinta lepas kawin . lg bahagia. huhu .

mr delirium said...

kau neh..da terppang kat blog aku tu tandas awam=.="

Jumir said...

Let bygone be bygone. Mmg susah nak lupakan "yg lama". Sy paham apa yang awak rase. Being single...takpe. Biarlah depa bising. Buat bodo jer. Tapi bile tibe masenya...jgn lupe buka pintu hati tu.